1st Annual National Lake Blitz & Photo Challenge

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Living Lakes Canada has officially launched the 1st Annual National Lake Blitz, and participants all over Canada, from Nova Scotia to Yukon, are beginning to sample water temperature and capture shoreline and lake colour photos to provide a “snapshot” of Canada’s freshwater health. 

Water temperature sampling is a straightforward metric for understanding freshwater ecosystem health. We know that in many parts of Canada, warming air temperatures are increasing water temperatures faster than in more southern climates due to climate change. We also know that increasing threats such as lake algal blooms and invasive species encroachment due to human activity will be exacerbated by climate change impacts. 

Given these threats, Blitz participants have committed to sampling their local lake 1-4 times per month from June to September, using Lake Blitz Test Kitz and submitting their data to the Water Rangers app. This app allows them to submit data, photos, and observations in real time using their geolocation. Once a participant signs up as a Lake Blitz Volunteer, a Test Kit is mailed directly to them with detailed instructions on how to use the equipment and how to submit their data. 

Several fantastic resources have been developed for this event: (will include links)

The overall goal of an annual National Lake Blitz is to increase water stewardship options by providing simple, accessible and engaging community-based water monitoring (CBWM) and citizen science opportunities for people living in Canada.

We’ve made participating in the Lake Blitz simple and fun to show citizens they don’t need a science degree or expensive equipment to help protect Canada’s precious freshwater. The Lake Blitz event demonstrates that all you need to become a citizen scientist is a thermometer, camera, and a body of water that you are curious about and would love to help steward.

If you’d like to get involved, email the Lake Blitz Coordinators at lakeblitz@livinglakescanada.ca or visit lakeblitz.livinglakescanada.ca

Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge

In partnership with the National Lake Blitz leading up to Lakes Appreciation Month in July, Living Lakes Canada has also launched the Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge. The goal of the Challenge is to showcase the incredible abundance of biodiversity in and around Canadian lakes and the human impacts that can threaten it. 

We are asking people to take a photo of their favourite lake demonstrating its biodiversity OR showing human threats that are or might be impacting the lake environment. Photos can be submitted, along with the photographer’s name and the name/location of said lake, via the Lake Blitz website OR emailed to lakeblitz@livinglakescanada.ca OR tagged with #LakeBlitzPhoto on social media. Contest ends July 31st. 

Winners will be chosen by Earth Rangers President, Tovah Barocas and announced at the end of Lakes Appreciation Month in July. Great prizes from Lush and Kicking Horse Coffee have been provided for the winners. One winner will be chosen for each of the following categories: 

  1. Most Biodiverse (capturing wildlife and plant species)
  2. Most Impactful (capturing impacts such as algal blooms, invasive species and shoreline development)
  3. Public Favourites (voted for on social media)

We’ve also recently introduced a Children’s Category (12 yrs & under) 

All submitted photos are being shared on LLC’s social media channels (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) and displayed on our Photo Challenge online photo gallery

Questions? Contact our Lake Blitz Coordinators at: lakeblitz@livinglakescanada.ca plus watch this two-minute video for a complete overview:


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