Indigenous Water Relations within the Columbia Basin

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Indigenous Water Relations within the Columbia Basin is a new webinar series hosted by Living Lakes Canada, the water stewardship non-governmental organization (NGO) based in the Columbia Basin.

Three webinars will create space, time and place for knowledge-sharing by the place-based Indigenous Peoples’ (Ktunaxa; Syilx-Okanagan, Sinixt; and Secwepemc) that are located within what is now known as the Columbia Basin.

​​The intention of this webinar series is to focus upon Indigenous Peoples’ Place-Based cultural practices and relationships and responsibilities with and for water.

“This event is an important cross-disciplinary learning opportunity for the people of the Columbia Basin and within the Living Lake Canada network who are working to protect our waters by deepening their understanding between Indigenous Peoples and the land they have most intimately come to know,” said Emily Mask, Applied Reconciliation Coordinator with Living Lakes Canada.

The webinars will take place on Zoom over three consecutive Tuesdays starting Tuesday, October 26. In each three-hour webinar, a dialogue on place-based cultural practices, relationships, and responsibilities with and for water will be led by two presenters from each of the three Indigenous Peoples, starting with the Ktunaxa on October 26 (1-4pm PT/2-5pm MT) followed by Secwepemc on November 2 (12:30-3:30pm PT/1:30-4:30pm MT) and Syilx-Okanagan/Sinixt on November 9 (12:30-3:30pm PT/1:30-4:30pm MT). There will also be time for questions and comments. Recordings of the webinars will be made available on the Living Lakes Canada website.

To register for the webinar series, visit

For questions, please contact Emily Mask, Applied Reconciliation Coordinator with Living Lakes Canada, at


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