Living Lakes Canada featured in special Francophonie publication on the world’s ecosystems and wetlands

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Living Lakes Canada (LLC) is one of six Living Lakes International partner organizations whose articles were selected for a special publication featuring ecosystems and wetlands found within the French-speaking countries of the world.

The article submitted by LLC and written by Executive Director Kat Hartwig is titled Les zones humides du Columbia : source d’un important bassin versant d’Amérique du Nord (The Columbia Wetlands: Source of an Important North American Watershed).

Global Nature Fund (GNF), the Germany-based NGO that sponsors the Living Lakes International network with which Living Lakes Canada is affiliated, was invited to collaborate with the Institute de la Francophonie pour le development durable on the publication Liaison Énergie-Francophonie: Écosystèmes et zones humides en Francophonie – Préservation, restauration et valorisation pour la survie de la biodiversité-Numéro 116 -2021which is being circulated across the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (Francophonie).

La Francophonie represents one of the biggest linguistic zones in the world with the mission is to embody the active solidarity between its 88 member states, which together represent over one-third of the United Nations’ member states. Twenty-eight of the 112 Living Lakes International and GNF program partners operate in the Francophonie.

LLC would like to extend thanks to GNF Advisory Board member Anne Lévesque ,whose support made this collaboration possible.

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