Living Lakes Canada worked with Imagine Creative to produce this 4-minute video — “People Power for Healthy Rivers: DNA Technology Meets Citizen Science in STREAM” — which features [...]
Columbia Basin, March 22, 2020 – Aquatic species and their habitats are at risk in the Columbia Basin and a new Living Lakes Canada project is helping to protect them. Living Lakes [...]
Columbia Basin, March 22, 2020 – There is relatively little known about the aquifers in the Columbia Basin, but the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program is starting [...]
The Flathead River is a trans-boundary tributary of the Columbia River, flowing from the Canadian Rocky Mountains south into Montana. This system is significant because it includes the headwaters [...]
Monitoring Collaborative update The Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Collaborative database is in the final stages of development and testing before its launch as the collective hub of Columbia [...]