Unilever Lake Photo Challenge – 2022 Contest Rules

How to enter:

  1. Head to the private Unilever Lake Photo Challenge website page and enter the password UNILEVER123
  2. Upload your photos and information via the photo submission form on Unilever Lake Photo Challenge

You may submit up to one entry per day. Contest runs until September 15, 2022 at 11:59pm PST.


Winners will be chosen based on the number of votes per photo. Participants are encouraged to share the contest page and password with their family and friends in order to get the most votes. 


  • You receive 1 vote per photo.
  • Make your vote by clicking the heart icon on your favourite photo.
  • A red heart means your vote has been counted.
  • If you attempt to vote twice for 1 photo, the system will recognize you are voting again and won’t register your second vote.


There are great prize packs to be won by Kicking Horse Coffee, DAVIDs TEA and Unilever Canada. 


Contest Rules and Guidelines


  • No purchase or fee is required to enter the contest.
  • Entrants must be a legal resident of Canada to win prizes. 
  • Entrants aged seventeen (17) years or under must have their parents or legal guardian’s consent to enter the Unilever Lake Photo Challenge.

Rules and Guidelines: 

  • Photos must have been taken between June and September 2022.
  • Photo entries must be original and not have been a winner in another national competition. 
  • Photos must not have been published or accepted for publication by a national magazine or newspaper.
  • Photos must be of legal activities, taking into consideration safety and any laws governing parks or protected areas where photos are taken. 
  • Photos that disturb or damage the environment, animals, or plants are not permitted.
  • Photo entries must be at least 1080 x 1080 pixels in size at original resolution.
  • Entries can be edited and altered including tonal changes and cropping. 
  • Winners must have complied with the rules and eligibility requirements listed above.
  • Winners will be notified via email or on social media and will have 5 days to respond before a runner-up is chosen.
  • Prizes will be shipped within Canada only and are not available to be sold or exchanged for cash.


By submitting your photo to the Unilever Lake Photo Challenge, you are granting LLC and Unilever Canada the unrestricted, royalty-free, perpetual right to use your photo for future educational, promotional and charitable purposes without any fee or other form of compensation, and without further notification or permission.

You will retain all rights and ownership to any photograph you submit.


Except where prohibited by law, participants who are declared winners consent to Living Lakes Canada and Unilever Canada using the winner’s name for promotional purposes without further notification, permission, or payment. 


In the event that the photo challenge cannot run as planned, Living Lakes Canada and Unilever Canada reserves the right to cancel, modify, extend or suspend the challenge. 

Disclaimer and Liability 

Living Lakes Canada (LLC) and Unilever Canada will not be responsible for any lost, delayed, misdirected, incomplete, or undeliverable entries. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to ensure their photo(s) are properly submitted.

LLC and Unilever Canada does not accept liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from your participation in the contest.

By participating in this contest, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless LLC and Unilever Canada their employees, directors, officers, members, affiliates, agents, judges and advertising and promotional agencies from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions or losses of any kind (including actual legal fees and expenses) arising from or related to: (a) your failure to comply with any of the rules or meet eligibility requirements; (b) any misrepresentation you make under these rules or otherwise to Living Lakes Canada and Unilever Canada ; or (c) your participation in the Unilever Lake Photo Challenge. 


The Rules will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada and the federal laws of Canada applicable in British Columbia.


All disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with the contest, prizes or these rules will be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the appropriate court of the Province of British Columbia, Canada.