Boating on BC Lakes: A Diverse Future

This event has passed
April 28, 2021 at 9:30 am to 11:30 am (Pacific Time (PT))

Join the BCLSS, Lake Windermere Ambassadors (LWA), and Living Lakes Canada (LLC) as we host an online forum on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 9:30 am – 11:30 am (PDT).

We will be examining the environmental impacts of boating, discussing regulatory issues, and identifying potential solutions.

Speakers include:

Heather Larratt of Larratt Aquatic Consulting Ltd. Impacts of Wakeboats.
Darryl Arsenault of Arsenault Environmental Consulting Ltd.  Restoring and Protecting Shorelines the Natural Way
Alan Drinkwater of the Decibel Coalition. Working to Create Boating Decibel Limits.
Shannon McGinty of Lake Windermere Ambassadors. Management Lessons from Lake Windermere.
Georgia Peck of Living Lakes Canada. Foreshore Integrated Management Planning.
Captain Mark Fry of Templar Marine Group Ltd. Electric Boats.

Space is limited. Please register in advance here.

The agenda can be found here.

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