Brilliant Headpond Reservoir Ecological Studies Review

authorAmec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure
abstractThe Brilliant Headpond Reservoir encompasses a section of the lower Kootenay River adjacent to the communities of Shoreacres, South Slocan, Tarrys, Glade and Thrums in southeast British Columbia. A need to compile background scientific reports and studies related to the ecology of the headpond was identified by the Brilliant Headpond Stewardship Initiative (BHPSI). The BHPSI contracted Living Lakes Canada in 2015 to assist them develop a comprehensive stewardship strategy for the headpond that ensures riparian management practices, recreational access and watershed management are undertaken in ways that protect the natural resource and community values of the area. This report summarizes existing scientific literature, reports and research related to the ecology of the Brilliant Headpond Reservoir and identifies potential areas for community involvement in future ecological stewardship activities.
keywordsBrilliant Headpond, stewardship, water monitoring, ecosystem health, watershed, fish, wildlife
journalLiving Lakes Canada Brilliant Headpond Stewardship Collaborative
publisherAmec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure