Glaciers in the Canadian Columbia Basin Technical Report

authorBrian Menounos; Ben Pelto; Sean W. Fleming; R.D. (Dan) Moore; Frank Weber; Dave Hutchinson; Janice Brahney
abstractThe primary objective of this technical report is to summarize the findings about snow and ice in the Canadian portion of the Columbia River Basin. In 2014, the co-authors of this report and their respective organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding to form the Canadian Columbia Basin Glacier and Snow Research Network (herein referred to as ‘the Network’). The primary objectives of the Network were to Complete a literature review and gap analysis about glacier mass balance, snow cover and hydrologic impacts of a changing cryosphere in the Basin. Establish environmental baselines for network research and monitoring activities, clarify processes important for the response of glaciers and seasonal snow cover under a changing climate, determine the downstream implications of current and projected changes to glaciers and snow cover in respect of both ecosystems and human use, coordinate research, monitoring and data sharing, and produce and disseminate information resources to support policy, planning and decision-making by communities, resource managers and agencies.
keywordsColumbia Basin, glacier, snow, cryosphere, climate change, data