This June – Give Lakes A Chance

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Consider giving a donation to the Give Lakes A Chance campaign. This June, the Give Lakes A Chance campaign will support the National Lake Blitz, a Canada-wide initiative with over 300 citizen science volunteers who are monitoring the health of fresh lakes across the country between May and June. In addition, your donation funds will stretch further as your donation will also allow Living Lakes Canada to be entered to win $20,000 from the Great Canadian Giving Challenge

As part of the challenge, every $1 donated to Living Lakes Canada via CanadaHelps between June 1st and June 30th, 2022 will increase Living Lakes Canada’s chance of winning the cash prize of $20,000.  

When donating to the Give Lakes A Change campaign, your support brings awareness to the importance of freshwater lake health and the role communities can have in caring for lakes. The Lake Blitz encourages anyone concerned about the future of water  to care for our lakes through simple monitoring and the sharing of real-time data. Learn more about the Lake Blitz program by visiting the event page here

Living Lakes Canada’s vision is to empower the public to understand water stewardship and to take an active role in protecting and preserving our waterways and our communities. The National Lake Blitz program gives everyone an opportunity to take an active role in  lake preservation. The 2022 intake for Lake Blitz water monitors is now closed, as of May 31, 2022. However, you can still be involved this summer by offering a donation to the Give Lakes A Chance campaign. Be a champion for the protection of Lakes!  (Photo credit: #LakeBlitzPhoto Nathan Lalande, Beaver Lake, BC)

Donate now! 

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