CABIN-STREAM Training 2022 - Request for Proposals

Contact Information

Training Information

Please let us know your top 3 ideal dates for training from May-October 2022.(Required)
Please indicate your dates as 5-day timeframes, preferably weekdays (but weekends can possibly be accommodated if needed).
Option #1
Option #2
Option #3
Estimated number of people: (choose 1 option) 18 people maximum(Required)
What level of training would your group like to receive?(Required)
For more information about the online modules, please visit the Canadian Rivers Institute website.
Participants would include the following sectors:(Required)


Please select your CABIN equipment status.

Monitoring Information

What kind of monitoring do you want to use CABIN/STREAM for?(Required)
Is your organization/group planning on collecting/contributing STREAM samples in 2022?(Required)
Is your organization/group planning on collecting matched taxonomy samples?(Required)