Early results demonstrate benefit of Targeted eDNA research

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Living Lakes Canada has been involved in Targeted eDNA research as part of the Flow H20 project, which is a pilot of the Fresh Water Data Commons (FWDC). 

The Targeted eDNA research is being led by the University of Victoria (U of Vic) Dr. Caren Helbing Lab and assisted by Living Lakes Canada (LLC). U of Vic has provided background information, virtual training, directed project design, and analysis of the samples and reporting on results while LLC collected field samples, filtered/preserved them, and sent them to the lab for analysis.

The Targeted eDNA-Flow H20 project is currently working on data analysis and final reporting stage. The second and last round of eDNA sampling was completed in late October, when eDNA samples were filtered, preserved, and sent to the Helbing Lab for analysis. The first round was collected in July

LLC will assist the University of Victoria with reporting requirements and follow up with partner organizations to share the results. The first round of analysis revealed the “suspected” first recorded presence of an invasive species, the American Bullfrog, at one of the sampled conservation sites. This potential detection will require follow-up surveys to confirm; however, it demonstrates the utility of the new technology.  

The knowledge from this project will help inform the local restoration/conservation areas, and develop a greater understanding of eDNA applications, detection rates, and applicability.

LLC plans to continue working with Targeted eDNA moving forward into 2021 applying the cutting edge technology to other projects.

About FWDC

FWDC is a collaboration between Carl Data Solutions and its subsidiaries, i4C Innovation and Astra Smart Systems, Teck Resources, Genome BC, Microsoft, University of Victoria, and LLC with support of Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster. Learn more.

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