Water Rangers testkits and Summer Lake Blitz

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Last summer, Living Lakes Canada partnered with the Water Rangers on the Western Canada Water Ranger Pilot Project to engage volunteers across Western Canada to investigate their lake water quality by using the Water Rangers water quality testkits. The testkits as a user friendly, low barrier tool for volunteers to take a suite of ‘in situ’ water quality parameters on lakes and rivers.

A big THANK YOU to all of our partner organizations and volunteers that collected lake water chemistry data using the Water Ranger kits including;

  • Wildsight Creston
  • Arrow Lakes Environmental Stewardship Society
  • Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society
  • Lake Windermere Ambassadors and their volunteers 
  • Bart and Trudy – Okanagan Lake  

For an overview and photos, visit this blog.

Seeking Sea to Sky Volunteers

If you are located in B.C.’s Sea to Sky region area and want to investigate the health of lakes you visit with the Water Rangers testkits, please contact Raegan Mallinson: raegan@livinglakescanada.ca

Lake Blitz

If you are interested in monitoring your lake for the national Lake Blitz  coordinated by LLC, please contact Program Coordinator Georgia Peck: georgia@livinglakescanada.ca



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