Seeking public input on Columbia Basin water data needs

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The Columbia Basin Water Hub aims to provide a digital platform to store water data, allowing for Columbia Basin-related water data sets to be easily accessible and shareable in the era of climate change to help better manage water resources and use. More information about this project can be found here. The Water Hub is being facilitated by Living Lakes Canada.

At this stage of development, the database team is hoping to gain some feedback from anyone in the general public who has an interest in water health in the Columbia Basin and those who may become users of the Water Hub.

In order to learn more about the relationship people have with water data, and the needs and expectations of potential Water Hub users, a survey has been created and is circulating through the region.


Anyone living in the Columbia Basin who is interested in sharing or accessing information about water is welcome to participate. The survey will close on February 3 at noon (PST).

Please feel free to contact our team directly if you would like to learn more or contribute resources to the Water Hub.  Water Hub manager Santiago Botero can be reached at

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