Kai Smith

Kai Smith

Team | Water Monitoring Technician


Kai was raised in Calgary, Treaty 7 territory, on the ancestral lands of the Blackfoot Confederacy, Stoney Nakoda and Tsuut’ina First Nations. Growing up surrounded by the Rocky Mountains and rolling foothills, they developed a deep love for nature through activities like hiking, biking, and camping.

Their passion for the environment led them to actively enter the realm of conservation work; from riparian plantings, to weeding invasives, to taking part in bat counts. Furthering their commitment to environmental stewardship, Kai earned an Environmental Technician Certificate through VIU in 2023.

In their spare time, they enjoy exploring the local inland temperate rainforest with their dog, Olive, or finding solace in the pages of a captivating book, surrounded by their three furry companions. As a Water Monitoring Technician with Living Lakes Canada, Kai is excited to contribute to the monitoring, restoration and preservation of local freshwater ecosystems.