Generate and Navigate: Youth Energy, Water & Climate Leadership Summit

This event has passed
March 16, 2023 at 8:30 am to March 19, 2023 at 11:00 am (America/Edmonton)
Canmore AB, Coast Hotel

Living Lakes Canada will be attending the Generate and Navigate Youth Energy, Water & Climate Leadership Summit presented by Inside Education in Canmore, AB. Members of the Living Lakes Canada team will be hosting an offsite tour on Saturday at Policeman Creek that will cover watershed health and how monitoring can help answer questions about climate change impacts on water. Living Lakes Canada staff will facilitate a conversation about watershed stewardship, run activities on how to use water monitoring equipment and provide first-hand experience in collecting data in the field. Youth will walk away with a better understanding of how to steward natural spaces using water science.

We will also be participating in the round table sessions on Friday where students will learn about the connection between stream bugs and water health and hosting a table in the innovation gallery on Saturday where youth can sign-up for the National Lake Blitz.

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