Wells, Water Levels, and Windermere Creek: Exploring Current Groundwater Data and 3D Modelling

This event has passed
December 8, 2021 at 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (America/Edmonton)


In 2018, Living Lakes Canada hosted a workshop on Windermere Loop Road aquifers and began monitoring groundwater levels in response to local residents who wanted to learn more about their domestic groundwater water supplies. Following this, Living Lakes Canada commissioned a preliminary hydrogeological assessment and 3-D modelling to better understand groundwater conditions in the area. After the high water levels of Windermere Creek in 2020, Lake Windermere Ambassadors collected information on monitoring activities and interests related to surface and groundwater resources and potential restoration of Windermere Creek.    

This webinar will present the groundwater water level data collected to date and the preliminary hydrogeological assessment to interested parties so it can inform future work.

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Showing 2 comments
  • Tracy Litchfield

    Looking forward to the webinar

  • Nicholas

    Looking forward to talking about Kokanee Salmon enhancement in Windermere creek. This year had zero returned, form what saw.

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