2021 Virtual Alberta WPAC Summit: Living Lakes Canada — Adaptable Models & Opportunities for Collaboration

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October 8, 2021 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Mountain Time (MT))

On October 8, as part of Session #1 of the 2021 Virtual Alberta WPAC Summit, Living Lakes Canada team members will be presenting from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. MT:

  • Title: Living Lakes Canada: Adaptable Models & Opportunities for Collaboration
  • Presenters: Kat Hartwig (Executive Director), Santiago Botero (Applied Innovation and Technology Manager). and Georgia Peck, (Foreshore Integrated Management Planning Program Manager), Living Lakes Canada

This online event is for WPAC members, directors, staff and volunteers, Indigenous leaders, and anyone else interested in the work of Alberta’s Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils.

Since the provincial Water for Life strategy was released in 2003, Alberta’s 11 Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils, or WPACs, have focussed on growing their own organizations and undertaking work in their own watersheds. Today, however, WPACs are finding more and more opportunities to combine their voices as the ‘Alberta WPACs’ collective. Also, WPACs are often asked to participate in larger regional, provincial and even national initiatives. While participating in such initiatives can ‘amplify our voice’ and elevate the work we do, it also comes at a cost given limited capacity. Hence, WPACs need to be deliberate in how and when we participate with others.

In this session, the following will be covered: a. Learn about other national and provincial watershed initiatives b. Share and discuss our experiences in being involved in initiatives outside our own basins c. Aspire to develop criteria that guide when and how Alberta WPACs collaborate.

Click here for more information and to register: https://awc-wpac.ca/event/2021/10/8/2021-virtual-alberta-wpac-summit/

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