“Why Care About Water Data” Webinar Series: Who is collecting water data in the Columbia Basin

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June 16, 2021 at 10:00 am to 11:00 am (Pacific Time (PT))
647 622 0166

Living Lakes Canada and the Columbia Basin Water Hub are pleased to present an exciting new webinar series focused on the importance of water data in an era of climate and biodiversity crisis.

The purpose of this series is to increase awareness of what water data is, and the value and applications of water data for decision makers and the public. While the spotlight will be on the Canadian Columbia Basin, this three-part webinar series will be useful to individuals and groups collecting and working with water data in their respective watersheds or areas of interest.

Please register using the link below. RECORDINGS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE.

Webinar 2: “Who is collecting water data in the Columbia Basin”


Wednesday, June 16 – 10-11am PT/11am-noon MT/1pm-2pm ET

  • This webinar will spotlight some people who collect water data in the Columbia Basin. We will explore what motivates them to monitor water, which parameters they are monitoring, any findings, and how the data they have collected has had an impact on their community, operations or decision-making processes.
  • Presenters: Chad Hughes (Elk River Alliance), Carol Luttmer (LLC Groundwater Program), Richard Johnson (Arrow Lakes Environmental Stewardship Society & Slocan Lake Research Centre)

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