Groundwater monitoring equipment installed in Radium on World Water Monitoring Day

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Living Lakes Canada was busy monitoring groundwater on September 18, which was World Water Monitoring Day. On September 18, a well in the Village of Radium Hot added to the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program.

This well is an example of collaboration and how a well can be used for multiple purposes.  The well was drilled in June 2020 to meet regulatory monitoring requirements for the Village of Radium Hot Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant. Kala Geosciences and Urban Systems recommended that the well could also be used to monitor long-term seasonal and annual groundwater levels to increase our understanding of groundwater conditions in the Columbia Basin. 

Living Lakes Canada collaborated with the Village of Radium Hot Springs and Kala Geosciences to establish the well as a Volunteer Observation Well as part of our Groundwater Monitoring Program. A water level logger has been installed to continuously monitor the level of water in the well. Living Lakes Canada will coordinate the long-term water level monitoring and data management. Village staff have been trained to download the data and can access the data in real-time.  

A big shout out to the Village of Radium Hot Springs, Kala Geosciences, and Urban Systems for making this happen! The work was made possible with funding from the Columbia Basin Trust, Real Estate Foundation of BC, Vancouver Foundation, and in-kind support from the Village of Radium Hot Springs. 

Groundwater Monitoring Program Manager Carol Luttmer, right, oversees the addition of a new well, located in the Village of Radium, to the program.



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