Start-up water monitoring program benefits from STREAM

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The Friends of the Lardeau River (FLR) is a non-profit society focused on environmental protection of the Lardeau River in Meadow Creek, BC,  and the fish and wildlife values supported by this river.

FLR Project Manager Sage Raymond has been working in the Lardeau River area for several years and has taken on the task of reviving the local watershed group, which has been extremely challenged by budget and equipment limitations, and is completely run by volunteers.

Extremely passionate about the watershed, Sage has developed a 2-year water monitoring program. Participating in the STREAM eDNA project on September 16, 2019 was a great addition to FLR’s new sampling program, and provided them with invaluable assistance.

Living Lakes Canada sampled 3 sites in the Meadow Creek area (Mobbs Creek, Hope Creek, and Lardeau River) on September 16, 2019 together with FLR.

Read Sage’s personal account to learn more:

“Spending a day performing CABIN sampling and eDNA collection with Living Lakes Canada was an invaluable experience! As the project manager on the board of Friends of Lardeau River (FLR), it was really wonderful to have the opportunity to sample with Living Lakes Canada and learn about the organization’s forward-thinking objectives and initiatives. Besides learning about CABIN sampling and eDNA protocol, I gained valuable insight regarding selection of streams for sampling, strategies for public outreach, and the big-picture importance of this type of water monitoring. 

Further, since FLR is just beginning our water monitoring program, it was great to have some hands-on advice and guidance regarding ensuring the success and conservation value of the program. 

I look forward to sharing what I learned with other FLR members and with members of the community, especially through a planned sampling day with local secondary students. 

I am hopeful that the work of Living Lakes Canada (and FLR’s contributions to them!) will enhance conservation and stewardship opportunities and initiatives in the Lardeau River Watershed.”

The Friends of the Lardeau River are on Facebook — follow their page HERE.

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