Elevating CBWM in Canada webinar — recording available

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The “Elevating CBWM in Canada” webinar is an overview of a year-long collaborative initiative designed to celebrate and promote community-based monitoring of freshwater ecosystems in and across Canada. 

(An audio transcript is also available.)

In November 2018, a national roundtable discussion on the topic of “Elevating community-based water monitoring in Canada” was convened by Living Lakes Canada, WWF-Canada and The Gordon Foundation. All three organizations engage with Community-Based Water Monitoring (CBWM) in different ways and are committed to advancing collaborative and evidence-based water stewardship across Canada. The aim of the roundtable was to identify actionable steps the federal government can take to show leadership and support in advancing CBWM in Canada.

Out of that Roundtable came the following resources:

The “Elevating CBWN in Canada” webinar was hosted in April 2019 by WWF-Canada, during which the history and the process behind the initiative was revisited, the final recommendations were presented, and next steps were discussed.

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