Living Lakes Canada team heading to Spain

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On May 7-9, 2019 in Valencia, Spain, the global Living Lakes Network will mark its 20th anniversary with the 15th International Living Lakes Conference. The conference, titled the World Congress for Wetland and Lake Restoration, will be based on the theme “Living Lakes – Business and NGO Partnerships for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation”.

Five of Living Lakes Canada’s team members will be attending the conference – highlights will include visiting local wetland restoration sites and connecting with Living Lakes International partners to share best community-based water stewardship practices. Stay tuned for photos and stories from the team’s experience.


The Living Lakes Network is a permanent initiative created by Global Nature Fund in 1998. The network – coordinated by GNF – is steadily growing. Currently there are 111 member lakes and wetlands represented by about 140 organizations from over 50 countries. Around one third of the network members are very active and engaged in activities and projects. One third is occasionally active from time to time and one third is rather passive. The network members are highly diverse, from small grass-root NGOs to larger and powerful institutions. In some organizations, water ecosystems are a clear central focus, in some others it is only part of a broader working portfolio. Living Lakes has a very practical orientation and the exchange of experience and the realization of concrete projects are in the focus of the members. The Living Lakes Conferences have always been very important tool to keep the contact between the partners and discuss create new activities. Important benefits from a partner’s perspective are joint projects and (political) support in local and global lake preservation.

The Living Lakes Network has tackled many challenges, grown together and developed a mutual trust over the years. The 20th anniversary of the network is a reason to celebrate the success story of Living Lakes, to pass in review and forging out plans for the future.

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