Groundwater data now available on the B.C. Real-time Water Data Tool

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Groundwater level data that are collected as part of the Living Lakes Canada Groundwater Monitoring Program are now available on the “Real-time Water Data” tool. Living Lakes Canada collects hourly groundwater data, which are stored in data loggers and downloaded approximately two to four times per year. The data are then uploaded to the Real-time Water Data tool where they can be accessed by the public.

The Real-time Water Data Tool is managed by the Provincial Government. They now have information and a streamlined process for data partners to share their continuous (time series) water related data. Their goal is to capture automated groundwater, water quality, hydrometric and snow data, and make it available as a shared resource through the Real-time Water Data tool and the Data Catalogue under Open Government Licence.

If you have data you would like to share check out the new Data Submission Webpage.

For questions or comments on the Real-time Water Data tool,  submit your queries to and for the LLC Groundwater Monitoring Program queries can be submitted to

Learn more about the Groundwater Monitoring Program here.


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