Groundwater workshop presented to Windermere, B.C. residents

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Dr. Gilles Wendling presenting information on aquifer and groundwater conditions to a group of citizens near Windermere.

In August 2018, Living Lakes Canada hosted a workshop on groundwater for a group of about 20 residents near Windermere, B.C. Residents had approached Living Lakes Canada because they were concerned that some domestic wells in their area were going dry.

Living Lakes Canada collaborated with GW Solutions to produce a 3-Dimensional Conceptual Model of the aquifers in the area. At the workshop, Dr. Gilles Wendling (GW Solutions) presented the model results and residents also learned about the BC Water Sustainability Act, the BC Groundwater Protection Regulation and Living Lakes Canada’s Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Project.

Residents shared local information about historical and current surface water and groundwater

conditions so that we can get a better understanding of water resources in the area. Following the workshop, residents worked with Living Lakes Canada and Dr. Gilles Wendling to identify wells that could be suitable for monitoring in Living Lakes Canada’s Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program.

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