New report sheds light on Watershed Governance in the Columbia Basin

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If you’re involved in watershed stewardship and management at any level in the Columbia Basin—as a community volunteer, a non-profit volunteer, a First Nation representative, or local government official—a new report is available highlighting current watershed governance issues, opportunities and successes in the Basin.

Called Community Engagement in Watershed Governance: Case Studies and Insights From the Upper Columbia River Basin, the report highlights how community-based organizations in the Basin are supporting watershed health. The report also offers information about water governance and B.C.’s Water Sustainability Act.

Produced by Living Lakes Canada, Columbia Basin Trust and the University of Victoria’s POLIS Water Sustainability Project, the report explores:

  • The meaning of watershed governance
  • Local watershed protection and B.C.’s new Water Sustainability Act
  • How four local watershed groups have contributed to water governance
  • Insights from the experiences of others in the Basin

The report examines these four watershed groups:

  • Kootenay Lake Partnership
  • Lake Windermere Ambassadors
  • East Kootenay Integrated Lake Management Partnership
  • Elk River Alliance

Download the report here.

If you have questions about this report, contact Wendy Horan, Manager, Environment, Columbia Basin Trust, at

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