Excitement is mounting for #WaterDataHub2017!
The #WaterDataHub2017 conference continues to build momentum as final edits are made to the agenda, speakers are confirmed, and travel plans are made to Invermere for the end of November.
Over the last week, excitement mounted thanks to scheduled radio interviews with Living Lakes Canada executive director Kat Hartwig on Kootenay Co-Op Radio in Nelson, Summit 107 in Cranbrook and Juice FM in Creston.
The need and importance of this conference to start the dialogue about open source data couldn’t have come at a better time.
With the affects of climate change felt globally and water scarcity issues being a reality in the Columbia Basin, a collaborative plan moving forward is essential.
Water stewardship groups from across the Basin and country, all levels of government, consultants, industry professionals, institutions, water scientists and all those that have a love for water are welcomed to join the dialogue at Copper Point Resort in the Columbia Valley on November 29 and 30.
With a jam-packed agenda including national to local case studies, investigation of current data hubs, how different sectors are using these data hubs and a salmon dinner with a Traditional Territory welcome, the 2-day event will develop a collective understanding for modernizing Columbia Basin water knowledge.
This event will steer the direction for open source water data for the Columbia Basin.
Registrations are quickly flowing in! Reserve your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cracking-the-code-in-3-d-an-open-source-data-hub-dialogue-towards-a-columbia-basin-water-monitoring-tickets-36903118220?aff=es2
For the most current detailed agenda, visit: http://livinglakescanada.ca/2017/10/23/cracking-the-code-in-3-d-a-water-data-hub-dialogue/