Heather Leschied Receives Conservation Leadership Award

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This past November, the Kootenay Conservation Program dedicated a portion of their annual gathering in Creston to showcase individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in the field of conservation. One of those people being honoured was our very own Water Program Manager, Heather Leschied.

We could not be prouder of Heather for her Conservation Leadership Award, as she has been a driving force in our stewardship efforts in the Columbia Basin for more than a decade, working with both individuals and groups to increase capacity and knowledge to protect our watersheds better. Heather is actively involved in Living Lakes Canada, the East Kootenay Integrated Lake Management Partnership, the Columbia Basin Watershed Network, Friends of Kootenay Lake, Lake Windermere Ambassadors, and many more. Heather has grown her work from the local stage on Lake Windermere many years ago to work around the Columbia Basin and beyond, always focusing on local community engagement.

“What is most exciting about this award is that it is not a celebration of my achievements, but of the achievements of a bigger collective of individuals, passionate people who are willing and excited to get engaged in stewardship programs in their local watersheds,” Heather said.

Please join us in raising a metaphorical glass of clean water to congratulate Heather on her award, and also to say thanks for all the amazing and engaging work she does!

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