LUSH Cosmetics Launches ‘Take Back the Tap’ Campaign

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Vancouver – Ethical beauty retailer, LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics is proud to announce they are taking back the tap by saying no to bottled water, and want the public to do the same. Drinking tap water is a smart choice for more reasons than one would think; it’s about preventing further harm to the environment, keeping public health top of mind, discontinuing the privatization of public resources and guaranteeing all individuals access to clean tap water. Canada has one of the best public drinking systems in the world and municipal tap water is safer, healthier and more regulated than bottled water*, so why are consumers paying extra money for the markup?

For two weeks starting today, LUSH Cosmetics, in conjunction with grassroots organizations Kurmalliance, Living Lakes Canada and Wellington Water Watchers, will launch a campaign in 179 North American LUSH shops to ask the public to take control of their water future and switch to utilizing ONLY reusable water bottles. LUSH is taking their commitment to the tap one step further and pledging to make work spaces and corporate meetings bottled water-free zones. LUSH is striving to designate shops as refill stations for anyone who wants access to fresh, clean drinking water.

“Plastic convenience bottles are unnecessary as there are far superior, more viable options that exist,” says Shama Alexander environmental officer for LUSH Cosmetics North America. “Research proves it is far better for your health to drink from a glass or coated metal bottle than from a disposable plastic bottle. A personal bottle can be reused endlessly, saving plastic from being discarded and saving consumers quite a bit of money in the long run.”

Now, more than ever, it’s important to understand that purchasing bottled water only perpetuates the demand, and depletes affordable sources for clean drinking water.  To be part of the solution: carry a reusable bottle everywhere you go and choose tap water whenever possible; start a bottled water ban in your community; become educated about your local water supply and how you can protect it and ask your governments to invest in public water infrastructure, or finally, support groups that are actively campaigning against bottled water.

For more information on the campaign please visit

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