Addendum: Gap Analysis for Areas of Interest – CBWMF Expansion 2023

authorMacDonald Hydrology Consultants Ltd.
abstractLiving Lakes Canada (LLC) has served to spearhead hydroclimatic monitoring across the Columbia Basin via the implementation of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework (CBWMF), by which hydroclimatic monitoring stations have been installed within three pilot Areas of Interest: the Columbia-Kootenay Headwaters, the Mid-Columbia Kootenay, and the Elk River Watershed. MacDonald Hydrology Consultants Ltd. (MacHydro) was approached by LLC to complete a geospatial gap analysis to support the identification and prioritization of areas for expanded water monitoring. This report details amendments made to the geospatial gap analysis. It is intended as an addendum to the previous report (Lapp et al. 2022) that outlines the gap analysis in detail and utilizes many of the same data sources and methods.
keywordsCBWMF, geospatial gap analysis, Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework, Lower Columbia Kootenay, LKC, Upper Kootenay, UK, Hydroclimatic Monitoring Station, priority monitoring
journalLiving Lakes Canada