Welcome to the National Lake Blitz!

Photo by Heather Benson  •  2023 Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge

Registration for the 2024 National Lake Blitz is closed.
If you’d still like to register, please contact the Lake Blitz team directly at lakeblitz@livinglakescanada.ca

The National Lake Blitz is an annual volunteer citizen science program with the goal of encouraging the widespread monitoring of lakes across Canada by providing accessible tools and support.

Volunteers, please use the form to the right to submit your data to the Lake Blitz Observation Map.
If you are using the Survey 123 app you can scan or click on the QR code.

At their chosen lake from May to September, Lake Blitz volunteers collect temperature readings, shoreline photos of their location and the colour of the water, and more. All the data that’s collected is added to the interactive Lake Observation Map that can be viewed in real-time.

The sister event of the Lake Blitz is the Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge, which will run from June to July 2024.

View the 2024 Lake Blitz Volunteer Calendar highlighting all the monitoring dates and program events!

Questions? Contact the Lake Blitz Team: lakeblitz@livinglakescanada.ca

“Being a Lake Blitz volunteer made me feel happy to be part of community that’s taking care of our lakes. I was starting to think about climate change and how I wanted take some personal action, and I didn’t really know what to do. So when I saw the Lake Blitz ad I thought well, it’s a small bit that I can do to start down the path of helping to take of the environment,” – Teresa Wright, 2023 Lake Blitz volunteer.

Visit the Lake Blitz Program Page to learn more about the program and its objectives. 

Our Funders

Thank you to RBC Tech for Nature for making the Lake Blitz possible and to R. Howard Webster Foundation and Chick-fil-A True Inspiration Awards for their additional support.