Lake Blitz August Meet-up: Lake Limnology and Stewardship

This event has passed
August 24, 2022 at 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm (America/Vancouver)


In this 75-minute session, participants will enjoy presentations from the BC Lake Stewardship Society (BCLSS) and the New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations (NBALA). They both will share their knowledge on lake limnology and lake stewardship, and how communities can get involved in lake monitoring. In this meeting there will be plenty of time to ask questions about lake stewardship and the Lake Blitz monitoring protocol.

Limnology is the study of inland waters and how these systems interact with drainage basins and the atmosphere. Inland waters include both fresh and saline such as lakes, streams, rivers and groundwater. Having a better understanding of these environments makes it easier to predict patterns of changes and impacts caused by human disturbances (Wetzel, 2003). Groups like BCLSS and NBALA are working to protect the health of lake ecosystems by educating and empowering regional community-based lake groups.

Joining us from B.C., we have Marie McCallum, Project Assistant from BC Lake Stewardship Society. We will also be joined by members of the New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations Board of Directors. These speakers will offer valuable insights into their work and provide an outlook on how different provinces are working to promote lake stewardship and monitoring in their communities.

Participants will be registered Lake Blitz volunteers who are actively collecting observations on their local lakes across Canada, and anyone who is interested in learning more about lake limnology and community based monitoring.

Hosted by Living Lakes Canada, the National Lake Blitz Program seeks to empower individuals from all over Canada to take an active role in stewarding their local lakes. Through the practice of monitoring for climate change driven impacts such as rising water and air temperatures, invasive species encroachment and wildlife monitoring we can better understand the state of our lakes through community-led data collection.

Learn more about the National Lake Blitz by visiting or emailing the Lake Blitz Coordinator at

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