First Nations CABIN course featured in Water Canada Magazine

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A CABIN training delivered by Living Lakes Canada and WWF-Canada to the Blueberry River First Nations in B.C.’s Peace Region last summer for the STREAM project is the subject of a feature story in Water Canada Magazine’s just-released Jan/Feb 2020 issue: “The Quality of our Water: Working with the Blueberry River First Nations to restore and rehabilitate the watershed.”

Click on the cover image to access the article. 

EXCERPT: “The participants were confident carrying out the monitoring,” said Living Lakes Canada STREAM program manager Raegan Mallinson. “We learned so much from being on the land with the participants. BRFN showed us how strong a community can be when they work together; they taught us about loyalty to each other and the land, and they shared their hopes and struggles. It was an impactful experience working with BRFN and we look forward to continuing the relationship into the coming years.”

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