Local and Regional Conservation & Management for the Columbia Wetlands

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The Columbia Wetland System, which stretches 180 km along the Rocky Mountain Trench from Canal Flats in the south to the head of the Mica Reservoir just north of Donald, is one largest wetland complexes in British Columbia and provides important ecological services to the Columbia Valley and beyond. The land tenure is complex mix of public and private lands. As a result of ecological importance of the Columbia Wetlands and the variety of land tenures, their management is multifaceted involving many different jurisdictions.

The Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partnership (CWSP) has compiled a database of reports related to the Columbia Wetlands. The database and this management plan review have identified almost 100 management plans related to the Columbia Wetlands. These include various land and/or water management, strategy, or action plans such as wildlife management area plans; park plans; invasive plant and pest management plans; official community plans; land use plans; and species management and recovery plans. A holistic review of all of these management plans and their implementation status would help identify which plans have the most impact on wetland protection, gaps and opportunities, and how CWSP Partners can collaborate to support common conservation goals.

The specific objectives of this management plan review were to: create a list of the management plans in the CWSP database and identify any missing plans; identify the key plans that have the most significant potential impact on management of the wetlands; and for the key plans provide a summary of the management goals and objectives, and implementation status.

For more information and to view the Synthesis of Local and Regional Conservation & Management Goals & Objectives for the Columbia Wetlands click on document below.




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