Integrated Hydrological Model for Windermere Creek Watershed: Groundwater Dynamics and Connectivity with Surface Water

authorNott A.; Allen D.; Neumann N.
abstractA three-dimensional integrated hydrological model of Windermere Creek Watershed was developed using the MIKE SHE software. The model domain encompassed the Windermere catchment, extending from high elevation in the mountain block, through the fan at low elevations, to the outlet at Windermere Lake. The model was developed to assess the seasonal and interannual groundwater dynamics and connectivity with surface water in Windermere Creek, including quantifying the water balance for the watershed, identifying recharge and discharge areas and where exchanges between surface water and groundwater occur, and estimating the contribution of groundwater to stream baseflow. Model calibration involved adjusting model parameters to best simulate snow accumulation and melt, and streamflow based on sparse nearby or near-in-time data. Model results indicate actual evapotranspiration represents about 30% of precipitation while overland flow represents about 20% of precipitation. Recharge is on the order of 50% of precipitation based on individually modelled hydrologic components. Model results suggest Windermere Creek is consistently gaining water from groundwater in both space and time; there is likely strong hydraulic connectivity between the fan aquifer and Windermere Creek.
keywordsWindermere Creek, groundwater, hydrological model, Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring, CBGM, Water Hub
publisherGovernment of BC