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Upcoming Events:

The Healthy Water’s Summit June 12, 2017
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
Water Canada magazine’s Water’s Next Award program is the only national awards program to honour leadership across the entire water sector—including public servants, non-governmental groups, researchers, municipalities, and technology providers. Since 2010, Water Canada has hosted the awards to help strengthen and celebrate the thriving national community by showcasing Canada’s water leaders, champions, and innovators. […]
Living Lakes Canada Executive Director Katrina Hartwig is a finalist in the NGO category for the 2017 Water’s Next Award
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
Water Canada magazine’s Water’s Next Award program is the only national awards program to honour leadership across the entire water sector—including public servants, non-governmental groups, researchers, municipalities, and technology providers. Since 2010, Water Canada has hosted the awards to help strengthen and celebrate the thriving national community by showcasing Canada’s water leaders, champions, and innovators. […]
Announcement and Call for Proposals: NALMS 2016
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
Living Lakes Canada is co-hosting the 36th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) in Banff from November 1-4, 2016. The theme of this year’s symposium is Science to Stewardship: Balancing Economic Growth with Lake Sustainability. There may be no locale more appropriate to host a discussion on the impact of development on natural spaces than Banff […]
Traditional Teachings from Moose Nose Soup
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
Travelling down the Yellowhead Highway, I cross the continental divide, leaving the Pacific watershed and entering the Arctic. As I follow the mighty Athabasca into Central Alberta, historic trading posts are scattered between energy extraction projects, a melding of historic and current evidence of our dependence on the land. The Upper and Central Athabasca watersheds […]
Learn to monitor stream health: CABIN training in Nelson, July 17-18
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
We all want healthy streams. Streams are living systems that affect the water we drink, the food we eat, the well-being of fish and wildlife, and the economy through fishing and other outdoor recreation. Assessing the health of a stream can be done by counting the number of insects living in it — specifically, benthic […]
Rosenberg International Forum: The Mackenzie River Basin
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
The Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy released this report based on the findings of a 2012 workshop on trans-boundary relations in the Mackenzie River Basin. The workshop, which took place in Vancouver from Sept. 5 to 7, 2012, convened several experts in the fields of law, economics and various scientific disciplines with the goal […]
Join us for a Groundwater Workshop at Wings 2018
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
What is groundwater and why do we monitor it? Discover why groundwater monitoring is vital to community planning in the face of climate change in this Wings Over the Rockies workshop. Groundwater, one of our most important yet least known natural resources, will be explored during an illuminating workshop at this year’s Wings Over the […]
I Love my Lake! Water Celebration
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
Radisson Hotel Downtown – Tuesday May 22nd – 7:30PM Producing Nature of Things episode ‘Save My Lake” by Paul Kemp, Producer A Reading by author Allan Casey from his Governor General Award winning book Lakeland: Ballad of a Freshwater Country Music by Nathan Rogers Click here for tickets
Water Data Hub Dialogue exceeds all expectations
February 9th 2025 from 1:07 am to 1:07 am
On November 29 & 30, residents, guests and water experts gathered in Invermere, B.C. to discuss current water monitoring initiatives and water data storage hubs used in B.C., Canada and in the USA, and what the next steps are towards developing a collaborative water monitoring framework and data hub for the Columbia Basin. The event […]Ongoing Events:

WEBINAR: Elevating Community-Based Water Monitoring in Canada
April 17th 2019 1:00 pm to February 9th 2025 1:07 am
Please join us for a presentation and discussion about the exciting outcomes of a year-long collaborative initiative designed to celebrate and promote community-based monitoring of freshwater ecosystems in across Canada. We are pleased to present final recommendations developed to identify actionable steps the federal government can take to show leadership and support in advancing community-based […]Past Events:

[Past] "Why Care About Water Data" Webinar Series: Climate change in the Columbia Basin and why water data is needed for adaptation
June 9th 2021 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am
This event has passed
Living Lakes Canada and the Columbia Basin Water Hub are pleased to present an exciting new webinar series focused on the importance of water data in an era of climate and biodiversity crisis. The purpose of this series is to increase awareness of what water data is, and the value and applications of water data for decision […]

[Past] National Lake Blitz
June 1st 2021 12:00 am to September 30th 2021 12:00 am
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From June to September 2021, Lake Blitz participants across Canada will help create a ‘snapshot’ of Canadian freshwater temperature by collecting readings at their local waterbody and by literally taking a snapshot of their location on the lake and the colour of the water in the lake. Volunteer Commitment: Participating in the Lake Blitz is […]

[Past] Lake Biodiversity Photo Challenge
May 21st 2021 12:00 am to July 31st 2021 12:00 am
This event has passed
The Photo Challenge will showcase the biodiversity of Canadian Lakes and the impacts that can threaten them. The challenge is for participants to snap a single photo, with as many plants and animals as possible, OR an impactful photo displaying human threats to lake environments, and submit it to the contest. All flora and fauna […]

[Past] Living Lakes Canada: Dive Into Citizen Science and Foreshore Integrated Management Planning
May 5th 2021 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
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This series will be divided into two parts, exploring Living Lakes Canada and their current initiatives, followed by a detailed look into the Foreshore Integrated Management Planning (FIMP) Program. Attendees will learn about Living Lakes history, culture and current projects, including the National Lake Blitz; a nationwide event encouraging the everyday Canadian to act as […]

[Past] Boating on BC Lakes: A Diverse Future
April 28th 2021 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am
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Join the BCLSS, Lake Windermere Ambassadors (LWA), and Living Lakes Canada (LLC) as we host an online forum on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 9:30 am – 11:30 am (PDT). We will be examining the environmental impacts of boating, discussing regulatory issues, and identifying potential solutions. Speakers include: Heather Larratt of Larratt Aquatic Consulting Ltd. Impacts of […]

[Past] STREAM Webinar Series
March 25th 2021 10:00 am to May 27th 2021 11:00 am
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The purpose of this four-part webinar series hosted by Living Lakes Canada is to introduce the STREAM (Sequencing The Rivers for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring) project to anyone interested in community-based water monitoring. Guest presenters will include representatives from University of Guelph, WWF-Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and participating water monitoring groups and First Nations. Recordings […]

[Past] Explore the Columbia Basin Water Hub: 3-part Webinar Series
December 15th 2020 1:00 pm to December 17th 2020 2:00 pm
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This event is invite-only. Database Manager Santiago Botero will explain how to use the emerging Columbia Basin Water Hub in this 3-part webinar series taking place on December 15th, 16th, and 17th. Each webinar will be 1 hour long and will run from 1-2pm PT/2-3pm MT. This informal series will serve as an introduction of […]

[Past] Fort St. James CABIN Field Assistant Certification
September 14th 2020 9:30 am to September 18th 2020 5:30 pm
This event has passed
THIS EVENT IS INVITE-ONLY. Living Lakes Canada will be hosting a CABIN field assistant certification in the Nechako watershed near Fort St. James in collaboration with the Binche Whut’en First Nation. The training is part of Living Lakes Canada’s STREAM project which is a collaboration between the World Wildlife Fund-Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada […]

[Past] Crowsnest Pass CABIN Field Assistant Certification
September 1st 2020 9:30 am to September 2nd 2020 5:30 pm
This event has passed
THIS EVENT IS INVITE-ONLY. Living Lakes Canada will be hosting a CABIN field assistant certification in the Crownest Pass in Coleman, Alberta. The training is part of Living Lakes Canada’s STREAM project which is a collaboration between the World Wildlife Fund-Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada and the University of Guelph. The STREAM project aims […]

[Past] Method Calibration by the FIMP Program Team
August 19th 2020 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
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THIS EVENT IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. The FIMP Program Team is heading out with several Lake Windermere Ambassadors (LWA) members on Wed Aug 19, 2020 on Lake Windermere to calibrate some of the updated Foreshore Inventory and Mapping (FIM) methods. Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd. and Lotic Environmental Ltd., led by Jason Schleppe and Sherri McPherson, […]

[Past] Friends of Kootenay Lake’s CABIN Training Program
July 29th 2020 8:00 am to July 30th 2020 5:00 pm
This event has passed
THIS EVENT IS INVITE-ONLY. This summer the Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society (FOKLSS) will be launching their latest citizen science water monitoring program on the West Arm of Kootenay Lake. This is year one of a three-year monitoring program that will involve a 2-day workshop and subsequent fieldwork in watersheds surrounding the West Arm. […]

[Past] Orientation to the Shoreline Guidance Document for Provincial Government Staff
May 7th 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am
This event has passed
THIS WEBINAR IS INVITE-ONLY. Please contact KLP Program Coordinator Kristin Assen at klp.coordinator@gmail.com with any questions. For Provincial Government Staff who review applications related to lakeshore development in the Kootenay Region, the Shoreline Guidance Document is a resource to consider cumulative impacts on fish and wildlife habitats in decision-making. The Kootenay Lake Partnership will provide an interactive introduction […]

[Past] Property Information Toolkits for Homeowners
April 30th 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am
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THIS WEBINAR IS INVITE-ONLY. Please contact KLP Program Coordinator Kristin Assen at klp.coordinator@gmail.com with any questions. The Kootenay Lake Partnership will be introducing the Kootenay Association of Realtors to a series of tools for homeowners to find relevant information on their properties and shorelines: An introduction to the Shoreline Guidance Document (Kootenay Lake Partnership and Ministry of Forests […]

[Past] Creating a Blue Dialogue Webinar
April 14th 2020 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am
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This webinar will showcase a panel of emerging student researchers working on priority topics related to water law, policy, and governance. It is the first webinar in our new “Water Research Roundup” series, being offered as part of POLIS’ Creating a Blue Dialogue webinar series. Avery Deboer-Smith will discuss her research as both a Masters student […]

[Past] Towards implementing the Kootenay Lake Shoreline Guidance Document
April 2nd 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30 pm
This event has passed
THIS WEBINAR IS INVITE-ONLY. Please contact KLP Program Coordinator Kristin Assen at klp.coordinator@gmail.com with any questions. For Regional District of Central Kootenay staff who review applications related to lakeshore development in the Kootenay Region, the Shoreline Guidance Document is a resource to consider cumulative impacts on fish and wildlife habitats in decision-making. The Kootenay Lake […]

[Past] Sudbury STREAM Training Practicum
September 17th 2019 8:00 am to September 18th 2019 5:00 pm
This event has passed
This 2-day field practicum will be held in Sudbury, ON on September 17 & 18, 2019. STREAM (Sequencing the Rivers for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring) DNA, is a new community-based project which involves the collection of samples for eDNA metabarcoding analysis from rivers across Canada. STREAM is a collaboration between Living Lakes Canada (LLC) World Wildlife Fund […]

[Past] Fort St. John/Dawson Creek STREAM Training Practicum
August 27th 2019 12:00 am to August 28th 2019 12:00 am
This event has passed
This 2-day field practicum will be held in the Fort St. John/Dawson Creek area on August 27 & 28, 2019. This training is currently CLOSED to the public. Please contact us at the end of July to find out if any spaces become available. STREAM (Sequencing the Rivers for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring) DNA, is […]

[Past] Canmore STREAM Training Practicum
July 16th 2019 8:00 am to July 17th 2019 5:00 pm
This event has passed
This 2-day field practicum will be held in Canmore, AB on July 16 & 17. STREAM (Sequencing the Rivers for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring) DNA, is a new community-based project which involves the collection of samples for eDNA metabarcoding analysis from rivers across Canada. STREAM is a collaboration between Living Lakes Canada (LLC) World Wildlife Fund (WWF) […]

[Past] Smithers STREAM Training Practicum
June 24th 2019 8:00 am to June 25th 2019 12:00 am
This event has passed
The 2-day field practicum will be held in Smithers, BC June 24 & 25. STREAM (Sequencing the Rivers for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring) DNA, is a new community-based project which involves the collection of samples for eDNA metabarcoding analysis from rivers across Canada. STREAM is a collaboration between Living Lakes Canada (LLC) World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada, […]

[Past] Nelson STREAM Training Practicum
June 12th 2019 8:00 am to June 13th 2019 12:00 am
This event has passed
STREAM (Sequencing the Rivers for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring) DNA, is a new community-based project which involves the collection of samples for eDNA metabarcoding analysis from rivers across Canada. STREAM is a collaboration between Living Lakes Canada (LLC) World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the University of Guelph. The project is […]