The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Healthy Watersheds Initiative Evaluation Framework & Report

authorTara Marsden, Naxginkw
abstractA key objective of the Healthy Watersheds Initiative is to advance the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The purpose of this report is to hold ourselves accountable to that commitment, and to transparently document where we’ve made progress or fallen short, and where further action can and should be taken to build on the challenges and successes, new relationships, and rich learning. The report also offers a framework that we hope governments, environmen- tal funders, and conservation organizations will draw upon in evaluating their own commitments to advancing UNDRIP. By sharing approaches, processes, templates, and tools, we hope to share and learn from each other’s efforts and work together to support better policies, practices and relationships — that meaningfully uphold commitments to UNDRIP and healthy wa- tersheds for all.
keywordsIndigenous relations, Healthy Watersheds Initiative, United Nations
publisherHealthy Watersheds Initiative