Lower Columbia-Kootenay Local Reference Group 2023 Engagement Report

authorLiving Lakes Canada
abstractTo inform site selection for the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework, a Local Reference Group (LRG) was assembled for the Lower Columbia-Kootenay HR. An LRG is composed of individuals with interest in or knowledge of the HR. LRG Engagement ensures local values and interests are incorporated into and represented by the monitoring network. A series of meetings were held in February and March 2023 in Trail, Nelson, Creston and online. In each meeting, participants were presented with a program overview and several discussion questions and activities. Attendees also completed a written survey. For those unable to attend the meetings, one-to-one interviews were conducted with interested individuals. Local First Nations bands were invited to participate in direct consultations in addition to the broader engagement meetings. Recognizing Indigenous People as the rightful caretakers of their unceded territories, Living Lakes Canada works to complement their intergenerational work and Indigenous-led water stewardship initiatives. The feedback provided through this LRG engagement process will be paired with the results of the geospatial data gap analysis conducted by MacDonald Hydrology Consultants Ltd (MacHydro), a specialized consulting company based out of Cranbrook, BC, to create the Priority Monitoring Matrix that will guide the selection of monitoring sites in the Lower Columbia-Kootenay (LCK) HR.
keywordsColumbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework, CBWMF, Local Reference Group, LRG, Lower Columbia-Kootenay