Celebrating The Lakes – Sharing Back Report

authorLiving Lakes Canada
abstractThe Yukon Lakes Monitoring Initiative was initiated by the Government of Yukon’s Water Resources Branch in October 2022, and led by Living Lakes Canada in close collaboration with staff from the Water Resources Branch. Together, with the project’s contributors and participants, we explored the current and historic lake monitoring efforts, concerns, and priorities of Yukon rights holders and stakeholders. The participants’ perspectives and our subsequent recommendations towards a coordinated lake monitoring effort in the Yukon are presented in the Yukon Lakes Monitoring Overview Project Report. Out of this report came the specific recommendation to: “Celebrate the beauty, the role, and the presence of Yukon lakes as well as the people who care deeply for these lakes”. This led to Celebrating The Lakes, which was a time, space, and place to celebrate Yukon lakes, build and strengthen relationships, and continue the conversation around lake monitoring in the territory. This ‘Sharing Back’ Report is a summary of what was shared at the Celebrating The Lakes gathering, which took place in December 2023 in Whitehorse at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre over two days. This report also summarizes where project participants would like the Yukon Lakes Monitoring Initiative to go following the gathering.
keywordsCelebrating The Lakes, Yukon Lakes Monitoring Initiative, Yukon, Government of Yukon, Water Resources Branch, Whitehorse