Collaborative Monitoring Initiative


Collaborative Monitoring Initiative
Improving outcomes for water sustainability and watershed health by learning from, supporting, and amplifying the programs and efforts of regional monitoring groups across B.C.


The Collaborative Monitoring Initiative (CMI) initially began as a six-month pilot partnership between POLIS, the BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative, and Watersheds BC. It successfully grew into a nascent province-wide hub for information on community-based monitoring and data management, as well as peer-to-peer support.

As a result of CMI’s growth over a period of one and half years, the initiative transitioned to become part of Living Lakes Canada’s programming with the aim of continuing to work to identify opportunities for community-based water monitoring (CBWM) data. These opportunities include incorporating CBWM data into planning and decision making, collaborating with the government agencies on CBWM data collecting, and harmonizing Western science and Indigenous Knowledge through CBWM efforts.

In 2023, Living Lakes Canada published a report showcasing five data use cases from various CBWM groups. The report  demonstrates the value of CBWM data and provides guidance to CBWM programs and collaborators in data application. Read the report below or view and download the PDF.


  • Outreach to over 20 Indigenous and non-Indigenous community-based groups to better understand their needs and how CMI might provide support around coordination to impact decision-making.
  • Development of a Community of Practice approach, while building a broad network, to assist groups in elevating their scientific and collaborative capacities, including webinars and workshops, advisory services, and development of a web platform with tools and guidance.
  • Development of case studies aimed at illustrating the pathways to capacity- and competency-building among community-based monitoring groups (see Resources).
  • Engagement with the provincial government  to support coordination, identify areas of alignment, share information, and provide insight on long-term support for regional monitoring groups, including by supporting the development of the provincial Watershed Security Strategy mandate.


Paige Thurston, Program Manager

Banner photo by Salt Spring Island Freshwater Catalogue Project.
