Anne Muter

Anne Muter

Board Member | Director at Large

Anne is a lawyer, with a practice in the areas of First Nations, environmental, and regulatory law. She works for First Nation clients representing them before regulatory boards, environmental assessment processes and advising on litigation matters. She also supports clients working on water regulation and governance matters. Anne also has experience in professional regulatory, professional negligence, employment and estate litigation matters, as part of a general civil litigation background.

Anne has training in the sciences, with an undergrad in Oceanography, Atmospheric Science and Physical Geography and a MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management. It's a good workday for Anne if she gets to combine legal research, reviewing technical materials and working closely with clients and colleagues. It's a good weekend day if Anne manages to enjoy her coffee before chasing after her kids to adventure in the outdoors. Anne lives in Vancouver where she is lucky to able to swim, sail and cross-country ski on water in its many forms: fresh, salty or frozen.