Paul Bauman

Paul Bauman

Advisors | Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program

Paul  Bauman is the Technical Director of the Near Surface Geophysics group at WorleyParsons, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  Paul started the group in 1990, and has since managed or co-managed the group.  Paul has a B.Sc.E. in Geological Engineering from Princeton, and an M.Sc. in Earth Sciences from the University of Waterloo.  Paul is a Professional Geophysicist and Professional Engineer with over 30 years of geophysical exploration experience in the environmental, engineering, water resource, mining, oil and gas, and archaeology disciplines. While Paul has worked extensively in Western Canada on many water resource related projects, some of the more unusual sites where he has carried out investigations include approximately 20 archaeology sites in Israel, and in refugee camps in Bangladesh and Africa.  Paul has appeared in a number of documentaries and television series including the National Geographic Television special Finding Atlantis, two NOVA documentaries (Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land and Holocaust Escape Tunnel [Nov., 2017]), the documentary Deadly Deception at Sobibor, the six episode Discovery series Finding Escobar’s Millions (Nov. 2017), the soon to be released The Good Nazi, and Finding Water (Jan., 2018), which is about a water exploration program in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.