Ian Sharpe
Advisors | All Living Lakes Canada Programs
Ian Sharpe, BSc. MSc. RPBio (retired)
Ian is an aquatic biologist, with over 35 years experience in environmental management. He began his career as a seasonal waterfowl biologist, and has been an environmental consultant, National Park warden, ENGO fund raiser/educator, and federal regulator. His last 25 years with BC MOECCS Environmental Protection Division in the Skeena region was split equally among duties as an impact assessment biologist, environmental quality section head and regional director. Since his retirement, Ian has continued to pursue his passion for water as a consultant and is currently acting as an advisor to the Collaborative Monitoring Initiative. Since 2012, Ian has served as a trustee with the Morice Watershed Monitoring Trust, a purpose trust for the benefit of the Wet’suwet’en people (https://moricetrust.ca/).