A partnership with Living Lakes Canada is more than a collaboration; it’s a chance to elevate your company’s commitment to protecting one of the planet’s most critical resources—water.

Water is life, and we all depend on it. As an award-winning environmental NGO, we lead science-driven initiatives to safeguard and restore Canada’s precious freshwater systems. Yet, our success hinges on the support of forward-thinking donors and corporate leaders like you.

By joining us, your brand can directly contribute to innovative solutions that foster climate resilience, restore vital habitats, and ensure water security. Your partnership, no matter the size, accelerates our mission to protect the water that people, wildlife, and future generations depend on.

Together, we can create a lasting impact. Invest in a sustainable future—because water is at the heart of everything we do.


Shevon Wilson
Development Coordinator


Protecting freshwater is fundamental to life. It sustains ecosystems, supports biodiversity, and ensures clean drinking water for communities around the world. Without healthy freshwater systems, both nature and people face significant risks.

Freshwater is also vital for economic growth. Industries, agriculture, and energy production all rely on stable water sources, making its protection critical to maintaining global stability and economic resilience.

As climate change intensifies, freshwater ecosystems are under growing strain. Droughts, floods, and pollution are threatening water quality and availability, underscoring the urgent need to preserve this finite resource.

By partnering with us, your company can take a leading role in safeguarding freshwater for future generations. Together, we can develop sustainable solutions that benefit both the planet and your business.

Traditional corporate sponsorships are an effective and easy way to demonstrate your brand’s commitment to protecting watersheds in Canada. 

Opportunities include:

  • Corporate Gifts or Grants 
  • Gifts-in-Kind
  • Match and Event Sponsorships 
  • Participate in Fundraisers
  • Join the Living Lakes Canada Advisory Board

Living Lakes Canada offers opportunities for employees to get involved with programs designed to help companies give their employees more reasons to love where they work. Employees can be inspired by:

  • Volunteering
  • Workplace fundraising events
  • Payroll giving

Employee engagement events such as workshops and challenges can also be facilitated by Living Lakes. Please contact us for details on giving requirements for these fun and engaging activities.   


These companies are helping to make an impact.

“Their National Lake Blitz gave our staff real-world experience in monitoring lake health and their Lake Photo Contest for Sleeman employees engaged our team’s creativity in capturing the beauty of their favourite lakes. Both programs have been embraced by Sleeman breweries staff and helped our employees better appreciate the importance of Canadian lakes. Our partnership with LLC has been beneficial for all involved.”





Living Lakes Canada collaborates with communities, partners and individuals to protect Canada’s freshwater resources. Our programs support Canada’s commitment to SDGs 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. With freshwater systems increasingly impacted by climate change, there is a need for collective efforts to support sustainable management of water resources. 

In addition to informing human uses of water, our projects are critical to managing, protecting and restoring terrestrial and aquatic habitats, supporting Goal 15. The data collected, combined with outreach and educational objectives, support the sustainable management of forests, lakes and rivers and the critical riparian areas within them.

For example, the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Collective project is primarily targeting SDGs 6,13 and 15, but with secondary outcomes which relate to goals 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 14. This project will build the capacity required to collect reliable freshwater data which informs watershed management, resource allocation and planning as water resources grow increasingly scarce, in direct support of Goal 6. While the project will be centered in the Columbia Basin, the broader objective is to create transferable methods, templates and lessons learned which can be shared with river basins across Canada.  

Goal 13, Climate Action, is the impetus for all of our work, and our projects directly support climate change awareness and community adaptation through community education initiatives, workshops, youth opportunities and local government outreach.


Donations are an easy way to directly support the protection of watersheds across Canada. Making a donation is a great way to support the continuation of our work.

We welcome the following types of donations:

  • One-time charitable unrestricted or project-specific cash gift;
  • Multi-year unrestricted or project-specific pledge of annual gifts.